ACM UbiComp 2022 Best Poster Award

A poster we presented at ACM UbiComp 2022 in Cambridge, UK, titled “IoT-Enabled Environment Illuminance Optimization for Augmented Reality“, received the ACM UbiComp’22 Best Poster Award. [ Poster submission  ] [ Poster presented at the conference ]

This poster outlines a system that uses a smart lightbulb, an edge server, and environmental sensors (a camera and a light sensor) to change the level of light in the environment to maximize the performance of two elements of augmented reality, pose tracking and eye tracking. To our knowledge, this is the first automatic environment optimization system for augmented reality that adapts to both environment lighting and textures.

Congratulations to the student authors, Tim Scargill, Alex Xu, and Achilles Dabrowski! Both Alex and Achilles have completed multiple semesters of independent studies in the I3T Lab under Tim’s guidance. It is wonderful to have this recognition of their hard work and Tim’s dedicated mentorship. Alex’s contributions to this work have previously been recognized with the Spring 2022 ECE Independent Study Best Poster Award as well.

This work was supported in part by NSF grants CSR-1903136, CNS-1908051, and CNS-2112562, NSF CAREER Award IIS-2046072, and a Facebook Research Award.

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