Category Archives: Indoor environments

Two papers appearing at IEEE ISMAR’22

We are delighted to have two of lab’s papers appear at the top AR/MR conference, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2022 (acceptance rate: 21%). In a paper led by PhD student Sarah Eom titled NeuroLens: Augmented … Continue reading

Posted in Achievement, AR-assisted surgery, Augmented reality, Augmented Reality For Good, Exciting! News and updates, Gaming engines, Indoor environments, Mobile computing, Research | Comments Off on Two papers appearing at IEEE ISMAR’22

AI Institute I3T Lab Showcase

At the Athena AI Institute‘s 1st Annual Summit held at Duke University in August 2022, 4 members of the lab presented posters and showcased the work of the lab during the I3T Lab Tour. The projects showcased during the summit covered … Continue reading

Posted in AR-assisted surgery, Augmented reality, Demonstrations, Duke University, Durham NC, Edge computing, Indoor environments, Internet of Things, Lab tours, Mobile computing | Comments Off on AI Institute I3T Lab Showcase

Fall 2021: 9 BS Independent Studies on Next-Generation AR and VR

9 ECE and CS independent undergraduate research projects on next-generation AR and VR were completed in the lab over this semester. This work is supported in part by NSF grants CSR-1903136, CNS-1908051, and CAREER-2046072, and by an IBM Faculty Award. … Continue reading

Posted in AR-assisted surgery, Augmented reality, Duke University, Edge computing, Indoor environments, Internet of Things, Research, Undergraduate research, Virtual reality | Comments Off on Fall 2021: 9 BS Independent Studies on Next-Generation AR and VR

Summer 2021: 3 REU Projects on Next-generation Mobile AR

This summer we were fortunate to be able to virtually host 3 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) students in the I^3T Lab, through the Duke University REU Site for Meeting Grand Challenges in Engineering. The research students were engaged in … Continue reading

Posted in AR-assisted surgery, Augmented reality, Duke University, Gaming engines, Indoor environments, Internet of Things, Mobile computing, Technology, Undergraduate research | Comments Off on Summer 2021: 3 REU Projects on Next-generation Mobile AR