Augmented Reality
[IPSN20] Z. Liu, G. Lan, J. Stojkovic, Y. Zhang, C. Joe-Wong, M. Gorlatova, CollabAR: Edge-assisted Collaborative Image Recognition for Mobile Augmented Reality, in Proc. IEEE IPSN’20, April 2020 (21.7% acceptance rate). [ Paper PDF ] [ More information about the paper ] [ Dataset and codebase ] IEEE IPSN Best Research Artifact Award.
[SmartEdge20] M. Glushakov, Y. Zhang, Y. Han, T. Scargill. G. Lan, M. Gorlatova, Edge-based Provisioning of Holographic Content for Contextual and Personalized Augmented Reality, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Smart Edge Computing and Networking (co-located with IEEE PerCom), Austin, TX, Mar. 2020 (invited paper). [ Paper PDF ] [ More information about the paper ]
Eye Tracking-based Cognitive Context Sensing
[SenSys20] G. Lan, B. Heit, T. Scargill, M. Gorlatova, GazeGraph: Graph-based Few-Shot Cognitive Context Sensing from Human Visual Behavior, in Proc. ACM SenSys’20, Nov. 2020 (20.6% acceptance rate). [Paper PDF] [ Dataset and codebase ] [ Video of the talk ]
Energy Harvesting
[CRAWDAD14] M. Cong, K. Kim, M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Human Motion for the Internet of Things Kinetic Energy Dataset, Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data At Dartmouth (CRAWDAD), May 2014.
[CRAWDAD11] M. Gorlatova, M. Zapas, E. Xu, M. Bahlke, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Light Energy Measurements CRAWDAD Dataset, Apr. 2011. [bib entry]
Fog Computing Latency
To be posted.
3/13/2019: A collection of execution latencies for the PIC, PSF, and FSP tasks, for different execution points and execution options. [PIC PSF FSP]
3/5/2019: Serverless function execution latencies for two tasks, invoked with large inter-invocation intervals. With faster inter-invocation times, the AWS task completes in 0.5 s, the Microsoft Azure task – in 0.15 s. [AWS Serverless Azure Serverless]
[CNets20] M. Gorlatova, H. Inaltekin, M. Chiang, Characterizing Task Completion Latencies in Multi-point Multi-quality Fog Computing Systems, Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol. 181, Nov. 2020. [Paper PDF]
[ArXiv18] M. Gorlatova, H. Inaltekin, M. Chiang, Characterizing Task Completion Latencies in Fog Computing, arXiv:1811.02638, Nov. 2018.