Category Archives: Sports

Philadelphia Marathon

It never ceases to amaze me how deeply personally satisfactory it feels to do something you thought you could never do. Having had knee troubles for many years (me and my knee troubles go back years, all the way back … Continue reading

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Escape from Alcatraz 2012

Long before I even started exercising, I caught, randomly, a Canadian TV special dedicated to the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon race.  It seemed insane — people swim over 2km from the Alcatraz Island to the San Fransisco shore, then bike … Continue reading

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NYC Triathlon: Unique New York Experience

A bucket-list item checked off: I finished the NYC Triathlon. I’ve done several shorter triathlons, but this was my first Olympic-distance event: 1.5 km swim, followed by a 40km bike ride, followed by a 10km run. In the NYC Triathlon, … Continue reading

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Emerald Nuts Midnight Run: Chilly Fun

This year we’ve decided to do something different for the New Years: a Central Park Midnight 4-miler, which is more of a party than a run, but the running of a 4-mile distance on New Year’s, at midnight, is involved. … Continue reading

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