This page summarizes our selected professional activities over the last few years.
11/08/2024: Tianyi Hu presented our paper titled “SEESys: Online Pose Error Estimation System for Visual SLAM” at ACM SenSys 2024 (19.2% acceptance rate) [ Paper PDF ] [ GitHub repo ]
11/08/2024: Congratulations to Zhehan Qu on his 2024 IEEE ISMAR Doctoral Consortium Best Presentation Honorable Mention!
11/01/2024: Professor Gorlatova is co-chairing the technical program committee of ACM SenSys 2025, the first SenSys merged with two other key conferences, IPSN and IoTDI.
9/23/2024: Paper led by Tianyi Hu titled “Apple vs. Meta: A Comparative Study on Spatial Tracking in SOTA XR Headsets” will be appearing in Proc. ACM ImmerCom 2024 (co-located with ACM MobiCom 2024) [ Paper PDF ]
8/01/2024: Paper led by Zhehan Qu titled “Looking” into Attention Patterns in Extended Reality: An Eye Tracking-based Study” will be appearing in Proc. IEEE ISMAR 2024. [ Paper PDF ]
7/05/2024: Paper led by Tim Scargill titled “Environment Texture Optimization for Mobile Augmented Reality” will be appearing in Proc. ACM IMWUT 2024. [ Paper PDF ]
6/25/2024: Professor Gorlatova is participating in the Discover US Vision Workshop on Distributed Computing and Swarm Intelligence (invited participant).
6/24/2024: Professor Gorlatova is starting a 2-year term as an Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN).
6/10/2024: Two Duke I3T Lab PhD students are off to exciting XR internships this summer. Sarah Eom is now an ORISE Graduate Fellow at the Division of Imaging, Diagnostics, and Software Reliability in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where she is working on evaluating image registration in medical XR devices. Lin Duan is a software engineering intern with NVIDIA Spatial XR team, where she is exploring cloud rendering and interaction with virtual objects in context of next-generation AR headset applications.
5/24/2024: Our paper titled “BiGuide: A Bi-Level Data Acquisition Guidance for Object Detection on Mobile Devices” appeared in Proc. ACM/IEEE IPSN 2024 (21.5% acceptance rate). [ Paper PDF ] [ GitHub repo ] This work received the conference’s Best Research Artifact Runner-up Award.
4/18/2024: Paper on AR-guided neurosurgery led by Sarah Eom will be appearing in Proc. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). [ Paper PDF ]
4/12/2024: Prof. Gorlatova gave an invited talk as part of the University of Michigan Communications and Signal Processing Seminar. Thanks to Jiasi Chen for hosting!
3/28/2024: Heartfelt congratulations to Zhehan Qu on his NSF AI Spring School Applied AI Poster Award.
2/5/2024: At IEEE VR 2024 members of the I3T Lab are presenting a workshop paper titled “Did I Do Well? Personalized Assessment of Trainees’ Performance in Augmented Reality-assisted Neurosurgical Training” [ Paper PDF ], an accompanying demonstration, and a poster titled “AR Simulations in VR: The Case for Environmental Awareness” [ Poster PDF ] .
1/30/2024: Our paper titled “3D Object Detection with VI-SLAM Point Clouds: The Impact of Object and Environment Characteristics on Model Performance” will be appearing in Proc. IEEE ICRA 2024.
1/1/2024: Paper led by Sarah Eom titled “Mixed Reality-guided Twist-drill Craniostomy Improves the Accuracy of External Ventricular Drain Placement” is appearing in Neurosurgery Focus special issue on mixed reality in neurosurgery. [ Paper PDF ]
11/28/2023: Prof. Gorlatova gave a talk at University of Southern California Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, as part of the Cyber-physical Systems Seminar Series. Thanks to Bhaskar Krishnamachari for hosting!
11/10/2023: Prof. Gorlatova gave an invited CMU ECE Graduate Seminar talk. Thanks to Carlee Joe-Wong for hosting!
10/25/2023: Prof. Gorlatova received the 2023 DARPA Young Faculty Award for a project titled “Runtime Identification of Detrimental Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences through AR-specific Quality of Experience (QoE) Modeling and Monitoring.”
10/9/2023: Heartfelt congratulations to Tim Scargill on his ACM ImmerCom Best Paper Award! [ Paper PDF ]
9/28/2023: Prof. Gorlatova gave a GVU Brown Bag seminar at Georgia Tech. Thanks to Josiah Hester for hosting! [ Presentation PDF ]
9/27/2023: Prof. Gorlatova was the inaugural speaker of the Duke University Computational Medicine seminar series. Thanks to Amanda Randles for invitation and her leadership of this new seminar.
9/26/2023: Prof. Gorlatova gave a departmental seminar in the CS Dept. at UNC Chapel Hill. Thanks to Shahriar Nirjon for hosting!
9/7/2023: NSF IIS Small award: 3 year $600,000 award will help us ensure long-term robustness of object detection in AR applications.
9/1/2023: Our work on reference-free AR QoS metrics and their applications will be appearing at IEEE ISMAR in October 2023: SiTAR: Situated Trajectory Analysis for In-the-Wild Pose Error Estimation. [ GitHub repo ]
8/31/2023: Professor Gorlatova and PhD student Ying Chen are invited to attend the 2023 Google Networking Research Summit in Sunnyvale, CA.
8/10/2023: NSF CSR Medium award led by PI Gorlatova: 4 year $1.2 mln award will support our joint work with the groups of Carlee Joe-Wong and Jiasi Chen, in the area of adaptive environmental awareness for collaborative augmented reality.
8/8/2023: We are presenting a demo titled DNN-based SLAM Tracking Error Online Estimation and a workshop paper titled Invisible Textures: Comparing Machine and Human Perception of Environment Texture for Augmented Reality at ACM MobiCom 2023.
7/10/2023: Lab’s work on augmented reality for retinal laser therapy is profiled in the Duke Eye Center VISION Magazine. [ More information ]
5/27/2023: Professor Gorlatova gave an invited talk as part of the Distinguished Researcher Speaker Accenture Labs Seminar Series.
5/18/2023: The lab has had an exciting end of the Spring 2023 semester, with multiple recognitions of the outstanding work of the students [ More information ]
4/26/2023: Ying Chen has been selected to attend the 2023 CPS Rising Stars Workshop at the University of Virginia. Congratulations, Ying! Ying’s recent work is appearing at IEEE INFOCOM’23 [ Paper PDF ][ More information ] [ Accompanying demonstration ] and is being demonstrated at ACM/IEEE IPSN’23 [Demo abstract PDF].
4/11/2023: Mallesh Dasari, Junchen Jiang, and myself are organizing the 2023 ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Emerging Multimedia Systems. We welcome submissions on multiple elements of network and systems support for AR, VR, point cloud generation and streaming, generative AI, and much more. Deadline June 12th.
3/30/2023: We are presenting two demonstrations at the 2023 CPS-IoT week (ACM/IEEE IPSN) demo session: Lin Duan will present BiGuide: A Bi-Level Data Acquisition Guidance for Object Detection on Mobile Devices [Demo abstract PDF], and Sarah Eom will present Edge-based Augmented Reality Guidance System for Retinal Laser Therapy [Demo abstract PDF].
3/24/2023: Our upcoming invited book chapter of the Springer Handbook of the Metaverse outlines how the IoT will help make augmented reality context-aware, and discusses related challenges and research directions [ Book chapter PDF ]
3/8/2023: We are thrilled to be supported by CISCO, via a CISCO Research Award for a project titled Enabling Multi-user Markerless Augmented Reality via Reinforcement Learning on Mobile Devices and the Edge, which we are working on jointly with our long-term collaborator Carlee Joe-Wong.
2/2/2023: Sarah Eom received the Duke University Eye Center Research to Prevent Blindness Small Grant Award to further develop her work on augmented reality for eye surgery. Sarah will give a talk about this work at the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Joint work with Miroslav Pajic (Duke ECE) and Majda Hadziahmetovic (Duke Ophthalmology).
12/10/2022: Ying Chen’s work on adaptive edge computing-supported V- and VI-SLAM will appear at IEEE INFOCOM 2023 (19.2% acceptance rate). [ Pre-print PDF ][ More information ] [ Accompanying demonstration ]
11/06/2022: Sarah Eom demonstrated her project on AR-based magnification for hand-held loupes at ACM SenSys’22 in Boston, MA. [ More information ]
11/06/2022: Ying Chen and Tim Scargill gave invited talks about their work as part of Hitachi America R&D research seminar series.
10/28/2022: I3T Lab projects are featured in the 2022 Duke ECE Magazine cover story “The Dawning of the Age of the Metaverse.”
9/16/2022: Congratulations to Tim Scargill, Alex Xu, and Achilles Dabrowski on their ACM UbiComp’22 Best Poster Award! [ Poster submission ] [ Poster presented at the conference ] [ More information ]
9/9/2022: Tim Scargill is presenting our work on depth inpainting for mobile AR at ACM IMWUT’22 in Cambridge, UK. [ Paper PDF ] [ Presentation PDF ]
8/26/2022: Two of lab’s papers will be presented at IEEE ISMAR’22 (acceptance rate: 21%): “NeuroLens: Augmented Reality-based Contextual Guidance through Surgical Tool Tracking in Neurosurgery,” led by PhD student Sarah Eom, and “Integrated Design of Augmented Reality Spaces Using Virtual Environments,” led by PhD student Scargill. [ More information ]
8/20/2022: Members of the I3T Lab presented 3 posters and welcomed visitors on a lab tour during Athena AI Institute‘s 1st Annual Summit. [ More information ]
8/19/2022: We are delighted to be supported by NASA via a Phase I STTR project led by Nanohmics, Inc, titled “Demonstration of Space-Qualified Environmental Evaluation Drones with Wireless Intelligent Networked Data Processing (SPEEDWINDs).”
7/25/2022: Professor Gorlatova is co-chairing the ACM SenSys 2022 Poster and Demo track. We look forward to your submissions! [ Posters and Demos Call for Papers ]
7/10/2022: Professor Gorlatova is thrilled to be co-chairing the TPC of ACM/IEEE IPSN 2023.
7/06/2022: We are grateful for the 2022-2023 Thomas Lord Educational Innovation Grant Program award that will support our work on context-aware augmented reality for medical and human-robot collaboration applications.
7/02/2022: Professor Gorlatova gave a keynote titled “Intelligent Mobile Augmented Reality: Promise, Challenges, and Solutions” at the ACM EMDL Workshop co-located with ACM MobiSys’22. [ Keynote slides PDF ]
6/16/2022: Professor Gorlatova gave an AI Athena Institute seminar talk on intelligent mobile augmented reality. [ Seminar slides PDF ]
6/7/2022: Sarah Eom presented her ongoing work on augmented reality for retinal laser therapy at the Duke Eye Center for Duke Ophthalmology Scientific Session. Joint work with Miroslav Pajic (Duke ECE) and Majda Hadziahmetovic (Duke Ophthalmology).
5/4/2022: Lab’s work is presented at 3 different sessions of CPS-IoT Week this week: IEEE/ACM IPSN’22 paper, CPHS’22 workshop paper, and IPSN’22 demo: blog post. This week we are also presenting a paper and a demo at IEEE INFOCOM’22: blog post.
5/3/2022: Congratulations to Ashley Kwon, a former undergraduate researcher in the lab, who will be joining Brown University’s CS PhD program this Fall. Ashley has been affiliated with the lab for 1.5 years, and has coauthored our recent IEEE INFOCOM’22 paper and an associated dataset. Congratulations and best wishes, Ashley! [INFOCOM’22 paper PDF] [Code and data]
4/26/2022: Congratulations to Alex Hu for receiving the Spring 2022 ECE Independent Study Best Poster Award! [ Blog post with more information ]
3/05/2022: A fun line of work from our lab has developed an approach for synthesizing eye movement data for training eye movement-based activity classifiers via publicly available text, image, and video sources, without human involvement. It is described in a paper titled “EyeSyn: Psychology-inspired Eye Movement Synthesis for Gaze-based Activity Recognition,” which is appearing at IEEE/ACM IPSN’22. [Pre-print PDF] [Accompanying demonstration] [Pratt School of Engineering article about this work] Highlighted in the university-wide Duke Daily and in the NSF-wide Discoveries newsletters.
2/23/2022: Our upcoming ACM IMWUT’22 paper examines issues in depth captures of mobile devices, that are important for providing correctly scaled virtual objects in mobile augmented reality, and develop what is, to our knowledge, the first depth inpainting solution suitable for real-time operation in mobile AR. [Pre-print PDF]
2/17/2022: Professor Gorlatova gave a talk about group’s research on IoT-supported and edge-supported augmented reality to the members of the Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance (AREA), a global non-profit dedicated to widespread adoption of AR-enabled enterprise systems. The recording of the talk is available here.
1/27/2022: Two papers from our research group are appearing at workshops co-located with IEEE VR 2022. Both are centered on end applications of next-generation augmented reality systems we are building in our lab. [Blog post with more details and links to the pre-prints]
12/04/2021: Our work will be appearing at IEEE INFOCOM’22 (19.9% acceptance rate). Ying Chen will be presenting her paper titled “VR Viewport Pose Model for Quantifying and Exploiting Frame Correlations,” which we have developed in collaboration with Hazer Inaltekin. [ArXiv pre-print]
11/30/2021: Professor Gorlatova was interviewed for two MIT Horizon articles on the benefits of edge computing, An Overview of Edge Computing’s Impact on Other Technology Fields and The Advantages and Opportunities of Edge Computing.
11/18/2021: Lin Duan is joining the I^3T Lab as a PhD student, starting January 2022. Welcome Lin!
11/11/2021: Professor Gorlatova gave a talk at AWE USA 2021, premier AR/VR industry conference, held in Santa Clara, California. The talk, titled “Towards Internet of Things (IoT)-supported Mobile Augmented Reality,” was a part of the XR Enablement track of the conference. [ PDF of the slides ]
09/30/2021: Our experimental study of hologram stability in modern mobile AR is now available on arXiv: Here To Stay: Measuring Hologram Stability in Markerless Smartphone Augmented Reality.
09/24/2021: We are excited to receive a Facebook Award to work on Trustworthy Products in Augmented Reality. Joint work with the group of Neil Gong.
08/12/2021: I3T Lab is part of the newly NSF-funded AI Institute for Edge Computing Leveraging Next Generation Networks (ATHENA). We will be working on ATHENA’s Services and Applications: next-generation AI-powered mobile augmented reality in particular, and intelligent pervasive next-generation IoT platforms broadly.
07/15/2021: Tim Scargill gave an invited talk titled “Context-Aware Markerless Augmented Reality for Shared Educational Spaces” at the Duke Pratt School of Engineering REU for Meeting the Grand Challenges seminar.
07/01/2021: Two new journal papers are published by the lab. Jose’s and Guohao’s work on new data augmentation techniques for kinetic energy harvesting signals will appear in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal [ Paper PDF ]. New paper on collaborative image recognition in the presence of image distortions will appear in the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks.
05/18/2021: Professor Gorlatova served on the panel of the IPSN’21 PhD Forum.
04/30/2021: Professor Gorlatova is speaking on the IOT Solutions World Congress Digital Summit‘s Practical Deployment Advice for Edge Computing panel.
04/18/2021: The lab is welcoming three Pratt School of Engineering REU for Meeting Grand Challenges of Engineering Fellows over the summer, Maria Christenbury (Clemson University), Megan Mott (UNC Chapel Hill), and Emily Eisele (Widener University). Following the COVID-19-related cancellations of last year’s REU programs, it is phenomenal to be able to welcome this year’s Fellows in the lab.
03/31/2021: We are excited for lab’s alumna Cyan Deveaux who will be joining Stanford PhD program and has received two fellowships for her studies, a Stanford Graduate Fellowship and an EDGE Fellowship. Congratulations Cyan!
03/30/2021: MetaSense, which demonstrated the use of dynamic metasurface antennas for detecting minute motion, has been accepted to the IEEE IoT Journal. Joint work with the group of David R. Smith. [ Paper PDF ]
03/09/2021: Professor Gorlatova received an NSF CAREER Award to work on the Foundations of IoT-supported Mobile Augmented Reality. [ Award information: NSF ] [ Pratt School article about the award ]
03/01/2021: Professor Gorlatova attended the 2021 US National Academy of Engineering Frontier of Engineering (NAE FOE) Symposium. [ Blog post ]
02/16/2021: Tim’s and Shreya’s work on predicting hologram stability in a given environment is appearing as a demo at ACM HotMobile 2021 [ Demo PDF ] [ Video of the demo ]
01/20/2021: Sarah Sangjun Eom joined the I^3T Lab as a PhD student. Welcome!
11/18/2020: Guohao presented our work on gaze-based cognitive context sensing at ACM SenSys (20.6% acceptance rate). [ Paper PDF ] [ Dataset and codebase ] [ Video of the talk ]
11/10/2020: Professor Gorlatova received the 2020 IBM Faculty Award.
11/04/2020: Congratulations to Dr. Guohao Lan, a current postdoctoral associate in the lab, who will be joining TU Delft as an Assistant Professor next year. It has been wonderful to work with Guohao and we wish him all the best in this exciting new role.
10/26/2020: Professor Gorlatova is serving as the Vice Chair for the Edge Computing track of the IEEE ICDCS 2021.
Experiments with mobile augmented reality in our new Wilkinson Building lab.
10/26/2020: I^3 T Lab moved from Hudson Hall to the brand new Pratt School of Engineering Wilkinson Building. Cheers to new beginnings!
10/03/2020: Professor Gorlatova gave a talk titled “Edge Computing-Supported Mobile Augmented Reality” at the 2020 ABI Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.
9/16/2020: Two papers conditionally accepted, one to ACM SenSys’20 and another to ACM CoNext’20.
9/03/2020: Professor Gorlatova spoke on the IEEE WoWMoM panel on AR/VR/XR over wireless networks. [ Panel presentation slides ]
8/19/2020: A 5-student Code+ team that worked over the summer on an augmented reality app for the Duke Lemur Center with Tim Scargill and Professor Gorlatova is featured in a Pratt School of Engineering news article. This work is supported by the NSF and by an NCWIT seed fund award. [ web link ]
8/01/2020: Professor Gorlatova has been named the Nortel Networks Assistant Professor in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University.
7/15/2020: We are delighted that Jose Manjarres, who has spent the last 9 months as a visiting PhD student in the lab, will be joining Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois, as an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Congratulations Jose!
5/27/2020: Our paper titled “Wireless Sensing using Dynamic Metasurface Antennas: Challenges and Opportunities” will appear in the IEEE Communications Magazine. This work is led by Guohao Lan, and is done in collaboration with Prof. David R. Smith’s Duke Meta Group. [ Paper PDF ]
5/25/2020: Professor Gorlatova has been selected to attend the 2020 NAE US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium that brings together 85 young engineers from industry, academia, and government to discuss pioneering technical and leading-edge research in various engineering fields.
5/13/2020: Congratulations to Cyan DeVeaux who received the 2020 Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies Visual and Media Studies Award for her senior thesis titled “SculptAR: Exploring the Potential of Participatory Augmented Reality and Virtual Experiences in the Contemporary Art Museum.” The award recognizes an outstanding graduating senior who has conducted original research in Visual & Media Studies.
4/27/2020: Our IEEE IPSN’20 paper received the inaugural IEEE IPSN Best Research Artifact Award, which recognizes the authors who have contributed the research artifact that is judged to be most novel, easy to use, well documented, and useful to advance research. [ Paper PDF ] [ More information about the paper ] [ Dataset and codebase ]
4/16/2020: We are excited that lab’s alumni will shortly be joining top PhD programs. In the Fall Zida Liu will be starting his PhD in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Penn State University. Jovan Stojkovic will be starting his PhD in the Computer Science Department at UIUC. Congratulations!
2/15/2020: Our paper on collaborative image processing for augmented reality will appear in IEEE IPSN’20 (21.7% acceptance rate). Congratulations to Zida, Guohao, Yunfan, and Jovan. [ Paper PDF ] [ More information about the paper ] [ Dataset collected for the paper ]
2/03/2020: Several students in the lab have collaborated on a paper “Edge-based Provisioning of Holographic Content for Contextual and Personalized Augmented Reality” that will appear in the IEEE SmartEdge Workshop, co-located with IEEE PerCom, as an invited paper. [ Paper PDF ] [ More information about the paper ]
11/15/2019: Two demos developed in the lab were presented at ACM SenSys’19 in New York City, NY. [More information]
10/07/2019: We are grateful for the NSF support of our work on next-generation edge computing-enabled multi-user augmented reality. Joint work with CMU Prof. Carlee Joe-Wong. [ Award information ]
8/9/2019: Juan Blanco, a high school student who has been spending the summer in the lab, received the DukeRep Outstanding Trainee Award. Congratulations Juan!
7/29/2019: We are grateful for the NSF support of the Duke OIT-led Archipelago project, dedicated to the creation of next-generation on-campus SDN infrastructures. [ Award information ]
7/12/2019: Prof. Gorlatova has been selected as one of the 2019 N2Women’s Rising Stars of the Networking and Communications Community. [ Columbia University EE Alumni News Article ]
6/28/2019: We thank the Lord Foundation of North Carolina for supporting our 2019-2020 project titled “Towards Pervasive Multi-User Augmented Reality: Undergraduate Research and Course Development”.
5/22/2019: Prof. Gorlatova presented a poster titled “Intelligent Augmented Reality with Edge Computing” at the Coalition for National Security Research’s (CNSR) Science, Technology, and Innovation Exchange (STIx) on the Hill Briefing held in Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. [ Event photos ]
Princeton EDGE Lab 10th Anniversary Alumni Workshop participants.
5/16/2019: Prof. Gorlatova gave an invited talk titled “Intelligent Augmented Reality with Edge Computing” at the Princeton Edge Lab 10th Anniversary Alumni Workshop in Princeton, NJ.
5/15/2019: Duke University ECE faculty John Board and Maria Gorlatova and Chief Information Officer Tracy Futhey received a 2019 NCWIT Seed Fund award to advance involvement of undergraduate women in computer systems and networking research. [ More information ]
4/2/2019: Prof. Gorlatova is guest-editing a Special Issue of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal on Emerging Trends and Challenges in Fog Computing for the IoT. IEEE IoT Journal has an impact factor of 9.5. The deadline is August 1st, 2019. Submit your best work. [Call for Papers]
2/20/2019: Paper on imitation learning for hologram positioning in augmented reality applications, led by Surin Ahn, will appear in the Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Fog Computing and the IoT co-located with IEEE CPS-IoT Week. [Paper PDF] [Imitation learning demo] [Extended version of the paper]
2/11/2019: Prof. Gorlatova gave an invited talk at the Technology Working Group meeting of the Industrial Internet Consortium.
11/30/2018: Paper led by Parinaz Naghizadeh titled “Hurts to be Too Early: Benefits and Drawbacks of Communication in Multi-Agent Learning” accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2019 (acceptance rate 19.7%). [ Paper PDF ]
11/27/2018: Prof. Gorlatova attended the 2018 Facebook Connectivity Lab Research Workshop in Menlo Park, CA (invited participant).
10/01/2018: Prof. Gorlatova gave an invited talk at Fog World Congress in San Francisco, CA. The key messages of the talk were summarized in the Network World article Augmented Reality, Fog, and Vision: Duke Professor Outlines Importance of Smart Architectures.
09/25/2018: Prof. Gorlatova gave an invited talk at the IEEE Sarnoff Symposium in Newark, NJ. The slides of the talk, titled Towards Intelligence on the Edge: Restructuring Computing to Enable the Next Generation of the IoT, are available here.
09/14/2018: Prof. Wenjun Hu (Yale University) and Prof. Maria Gorlatova received an NSF Computer Systems Research (CSR) grant to examine Multi-tier Service Architectures in IoT-Edge-Cloud-Paradigms. [ More information ]
09/13/2018: We are thankful for the AWS Cloud Credits for Research Award that will support our work on restructuring applications for edge/fog computing. Joint proposal submission with Dr. Liang Zhang.
08/20/2018: The Women in Tech Show podcast with Prof. Gorlatova is now available: Edge Computing with Maria Gorlatova.
08/01/2018: Prof. Gorlatova attended the 2018 Microsoft Research Faculty Summit in Redmond, WA (invited participant).
05/27/2018: I am thrilled to be joining Duke University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as an Assistant Professor in July of this year.
12/08/2017: I spoke with about edge computing changing the world of electronics as we know it: When Toasters Attack.
12/04/2017: An article in Multichannel News mentions the work with Comcast Corporation that I am helping Prof. Mung Chiang lead at Princeton University EDGE Lab.
11/06/2017: I presented a demonstration of our fog computing testbed at ACM SenSys’17 in Delft, the Netherlands. Joint work with Liang Zheng, Edward Chang, and Chege Gitau. [Demo abstract PDF] [Video of the demo]
11/05/2017: I gave a keynote talk titled “Light, Motion, Fog: Towards Networking Commonplace Objects” at the ACM ENSsys workshop co-located with ACM SenSys’17.
11/04/2017: Fog Support for Autonomous Driving use case description whitepaper is now publicly available. I helped Hassnaa Moustafa from Intel lead this use case definition effort.
Architecture for Fog panel presentation at the IEEE Fog World Congress.
11/01/2017: IEEE Fog World Congress was a blast. I described some of the directions of the OpenFog Communications Working group on the Interoperable Architectures panel [ panel presentation video ], and talked about my research on the Research Around the World panel. Chege Gitau and myself also presented a demo of our fog computing testbed at the Research Demonstrations session of the conference. [More information]
10/04/2017: I presented my work on fog computing at the Computer Systems Engineering track of the 2017 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. My talk was titled “Fog Computing: Challenges and Solutions.” [ GHC presentation PDF ]
10/01/2017: I served as an Innovation Awards Judge for the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
9/28/2017: We presented a demonstration of our fog computing testbed at the 2017 NYC Media Lab Summit. [more information]
7/19/2017: We are grateful to Microsoft for supporting our work with a Microsoft Azure Research Award, which provides us the equivalent of $20,000 in Azure computing services. [more information]
Sharing my thoughts on the future of technology at IEEE WIE ILC.
05/22/2017: I spoke on an invited panel about the future of technology, titled “The Next Frontier: a Spirited (Friendly) Debate”, at the Innovation Track of the 2017 IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (IEEE WIE ILC) in San Jose, California, attended by more than 1,200 people. [IEEE WIE ILC speakers].
5/20/2017: My research is in the news: New Yorker Magazine article “If Donald Trump Were Actually a Battery” mentions my work on human motion energy harvesting, in context of president Trump’s recent comments about the principles of human body as an energy supply.
5/09/2016: I served as an Innovation Awards Judge for the 2017 CES Asia. [meet the judges]
Speaking on the NYC IoT Central meetup panel [talk video].
4/19/2017: I spoke on the Fog Computing and IoT panel of the IoT Central meetup in NYC, simulcasted with Austin, TX. [talk video].
2/25/2017: I gave an invited talk about the OpenFog Reference Architecture, titled OpenFog Reference Architecture: Unified Framework and a Roadmap, at the Through the Fog Workshop organized by the University of Pisa, in Pisa, Italy. [slides] [news coverage]
2/08/2017: OpenFog Reference Architecture is now publicly released. I contributed to the reference architecture both individually and as the co-chair of the OpenFog Consortium Communications Working Group. [EETimes commentary] [ECD interview with me and 2 other OpenFog technical committee members]
2016 and prior
12/15/2016: I am co-chairing the Internet of Things and Wearable Technology Track of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing for the second time in 2017. In 2016 the track was attended by 8,000 people.
10/11/2016: I served as an Innovation Awards Judge for the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) [meet the judges].
10/1/2016: I was elected to co-chair the OpenFog Consortium Communications Working Group. OpenFog Consortium is a public-private ecosystem that accelerates adoption of fog computing. The Consortium has over 50 member organizations including Intel, CISCO, Microsoft, ARM, and Dell.
8/12/2016: I joined Princeton University Electrical Engineering Department as an Associate Research Scholar in the EDGE Lab led by Professor Mung Chiang. I am working on defining system architectures for the emerging area of fog computing.
Receiving the award at IEEE GlobeCom 2016.
5/1/2016: Aya Wallwater and myself are sharing the 2016 IEEE Communications Society Young Author Best Paper Award for our paper on measurements and algorithms for networks of energy harvesting nodes, which appeared in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing in 2013. This is my second IEEE Communications Society Award. I previously received the 2011 Award for Advances in Communications. [IEEE Communications Society award information] [Columbia University Engineering webpage coverage] [Link to the paper]
3/30/2016: I am co-chairing the Internet of Things and Wearable Technology track of the 2016 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. This is one of only 8 technical tracks at a conference that is expected to be attended by more than 15,000 people.
10/11/2015: I served as an Innovation Awards Judge for the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). I judged 2 product categories: wireless handsets and wireless handset accessories.
2/1/2015: The IEEE Communications Technology News highlighted our paper “Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs) for Ubiquitous Object Networking” in the Editor in Chief’s top-3 picks for 2014. Joint work with Peter Kinget, Gil Zussman, John Kymissis, Dan Rubenstein, and Xiaodong Wang. [Paper PDF]
8/01/2014: I joined D. E. Shaw Research (DESRES) as an Engineering Program Manager, helping to build supercomputer Anton.
5/24/2014: My Movers and Shakers ACM SIGMETRICS’14 paper is profiled in the MIT Technology Review Business Report: MIT Technology Review article: The Internet of You.
2/20/2014: My paper titled “Movers and Shakers: Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Internet of Things“, has been accepted to ACM SIGMETRICS’14 (17% acceptance rate). Joint work with John Sarik and Guy Grebla. This work has previously been profiled by MIT Technology Review Physics ArXiv blog and several other online media outlets. [Physics ArXiv Blog Article]
1/7/2014: I joined IBM Corporate Headquarters Business Performance Services group as a Senior Strategy Consultant, focusing on driving the adoption of advanced analytics for major business transformation initiatives.
11/6/2013: I attended the 2013 Rising Stars in EECS Academic Career Workshop for Women organized by the MIT EECS Department (invited participant).
At the MIT EECS Rising Stars event with the other attendees.
7/11/2013: Our study of object and human motion energy harvesting is profiled by the MIT Technology Review Physics ArXiv Blog. In this study we analyzed motion properties using a 40-participant dataset, and also collected and processed over 200 hours of motion information for different participants. Joint work with John Sarik and Mina Cong. [Physics ArXiv Blog Article] [Report PDF]
5/10/2013: I was awarded the Columbia University Electrical Engineering Department Jury Award for Outstanding Achievement in the areas of system communications and signal processing, the highest award given by the department to a Ph.D. student. [Award Info] [Blog post]
4/24/2013: I defended my PhD dissertation titled “Energy Harvesting Networked Nodes: Measurements, Algorithms, and Prototyping”. [Dissertation PDF] [Blog post]
5/07/2012: I am honored to receive the 2012 US Google Anita Borg Fellowship. [Award info] [EnHants project news item] [Columbia EE Dept. news item]
12/10/2011: I received our IEEE ComSoc award at the IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 award ceremony. [Blog post]
11/08/2011: Our demo received the Best Student Demo Award at the ACM SenSys 2011. Demo presented jointly with Robert Margolies and Gerald Stanje. [Demo Abstract PDF] [Accompanying Poster PDF] [Video of the demo]
Presenting a demo at ACM MobiSys’11.
6/28/2011: I received the Best Speaker Award at the ACM MobiSys 2011 PhD Forum.
4/15/2011: A paper I wrote jointly with the EnHANTs Project PIs (Peter Kinget, John Kymissis, Dan Rubenstein, Xiaodong Wang, and Gil Zussman) won the 2011 IEEE Communications Society Award for Outstanding Paper on New Communication Topics. [ EnHants Project News Item ] [ Columbia School of Engineering News Item ] [ Paper PDF ]
04/02/2008: I was awarded the Columbia University Presidential Fellowship that fully covers tuition and provides a stipend for 4 years in the Columbia University Electrical Engineering Ph.D. program.
05/01/2007: I successfully defended my M.Sc. thesis titled Wormhole Attack Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks at University of Ottawa, ON, Canada.