
Book Chapters

[Springer24] T. Scargill, S. Eom, Y. Chen, M. Gorlatova, Ambient Intelligence for Next-generation Augmented Reality, Springer Handbook of the Metaverse, Springer, to appear (invited book chapter). [Pre-print PDF]

[Fogonomics20] Y. Ruan, L. Zheng, M. Gorlatova, M. Chiang, C. Joe-Wong, The Economics of Fog Computing: Pricing Tradeoffs for Distributed Data Analytics, Fognet and Fogonomics, Wiley, 2020. (invited book chapter). [Paper PDF]

Journal Publications

[ToAppearTMC24] Y. Chen, S. Omoma, H. Kwon, H. Inaltekin, M. Gorlatova, Quantifying and Exploiting VR Frame Correlations: An Application of a Statistical Model for Viewport Pose, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. [ Paper PDF ]

[ToAppearTVCG24] S. Eom, S. Kim, J. Jackson, D. Sykes, S. Rahimpour, M. Gorlatova, Augmented Reality-based Contextual Guidance through Surgical Tool Tracking in Neurosurgery, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024. [ Paper PDF ]

[NeurosurgicalFocus24] S. Eom, T. Ma, N. Vutakuri, T. Hu, A. P. Haskell-Mendoza, D. W. Sykes, M. Gorlatova, J. Jackson. Mixed Reality-guided Twist-drill Craniostomy Improves the Accuracy of External Ventricular Drain Placement. Neurosurgical Focus, special issue on Mixed Reality in Neurosurgery. Vol. 56, No. 1, Jan. 2024. [ Paper PDF ]

[TMC23] X. Zhang, S. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Im, M. Gorlatova, S. Ha, C. Joe-Wong, Optimal Network Protocol Selection for Competing Flows via Online Learning, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 22, No. 8, Aug. 2023. [ Paper PDF ]

[IoTJ22b] Y. Han, Y. Chen, R. Wang, J. Wu, M. Gorlatova, Intelli-AR Preloading: A Learning Approach to Proactive Hologram Transmissions in Mobile AR, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 9, No. 18, Sept. 2022. [ Paper PDF ]

[IoTJ22a] J. Manjarres, G. Lan, M. Gorlatova, M. Hassan, M. Padro, Deep Learning for Detecting Human Activities from Kinetic Energy Signals, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Special Issue on Sustainable Solutions for the IoT, Vol. 9, No. 10, May 2022. [ Paper PDF ]

[TOSN22] G. Lan, Z. Liu, Y. Zhang, T. Scargill, J. Stojkovic, C. Joe-Wong, M. Gorlatova, Edge-assisted Collaborative Image Recognition for Mobile Augmented Reality, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 18, No 1, Feb. 2022. [Paper PDF] [ GitHub repo ]

[IoTJ21] G. Lan, M. F. Imani, Z. Liu, J. Manjarres, W. Hu, A. Lan, D. R. Smith, M. Gorlatova, MetaSense: Boosting RF Sensing Accuracy using Dynamic Metasurface Antenna, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 8, No. 18, Sept. 2021. [Paper PDF]

[IOTJ20] C. Yu, K. Kam, Y. Xu, Z. Cui, D. Steingart, M. Gorlatova, P. Culligan, I. Kymissis, Plant Spike: A Low Cost, BLE Beacon with On-Board Sensors for Smart City Soil Health Monitoring, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 7, No. 9, 2020. [Paper PDF]

[CNets20] M. Gorlatova, H. Inaltekin, M. Chiang, Characterizing Task Completion Latencies in Multi-point Multi-quality Fog Computing Systems, Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol. 181, Nov. 2020. [Paper PDF]

[CommMag20] G. Lan, M. Imani, P. Del Hougne, W. Hu, D. Smith, M. Gorlatova, Wireless Sensing Using Dynamic Metasurface Antennas: Challenges and Opportunities, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 58, No. 6, June 2020. [Paper PDF]

[IOTJ18] H. Inaltekin, M. Gorlatova, M. Chiang, Virtualized Control over Fog: Interplay between Reliability and Latency, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 5, No. 6, 2018. [Paper PDF]

[TOSN15] R. Margolies, M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, G. Stanje, J. Zhu, P. Miller, M. Szczodrak, B. Vigraham, L. Carloni, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs): Prototyping and Experimentation, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 11, No. 4, Nov. 2015. [Paper PDF]

[JSAC15] M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, G. Grebla, M. Cong, K. Ioannis, and G. Zussman, Movers and Shakers: Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Internet of Things, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Wireless Communications Powered by Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transfer, Vol. 33, No. 9, 2015. [Paper PDF]

[TMC13] M. Gorlatova, A. Wallwater, G. Zussman, Networking Low-Power Energy Harvesting Devices: Measurements and Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 12, No. 9, Sept. 2013. [Paper PDF]
Winner: 2016 IEEE Communications Society Young Author Best Paper Award. [Award info]

[WirComm10] M. Gorlatova, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, D. Rubenstein, X. Wang, G. Zussman, Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags for Ubiquitous Object Networking,  IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine,  Vol. 17, No 6, pp. 18-25, Dec. 2010. [Paper PDF]
Winner: 2011 IEEE Communications Society Award for Advances in Communications. [Award info]
Selected media coverage: IEEE Communications Technology News Editor-in-Chief’s top 3 pick for 2014.

Conferences Proceedings

[SenSys24] T. Hu, T. Scargill, Y. Chen, F. Yang, G. Lan, and M. Gorlatova. SEESys: Online Pose Error Estimation System for Visual SLAM. In Proc. ACM SenSys, Nov. 2024 (19.2% acceptance rate). [ Paper PDF ] [ GitHub repo ]

[ISMAR24] Z. Qu, R. Byrne, and M. Gorlatova. “Looking” into Attention Patterns in Extended Reality: An Eye Tracking-based Study. In Proc. IEEE ISMAR, Oct. 2024. [ Paper PDF ]

[IMWUT24] T. Scargill, R. Janamsetty, C. Fronk, S. Eom, and M. Gorlatova, Environment Texture Optimization for Mobile Augmented Reality. In Proc. ACM IMWUT, Oct. 2024. [ Paper PDF ]

[IPSN24] L. Duan, Y. Chen, Z. Qu, M. McGrath, E. Ehmke, M. Gorlatova, BiGuide: A Bi-Level Data Acquisition Guidance for Object Detection on Mobile Devices, in Proc. ACM/IEEE IPSN, Hong Kong, China, May 2024. (21.5% acceptance rate). [ Paper PDF ] [ GitHub repo ] IEEE/ACM IPSN Best Research Artifact Runner-up Award.

[ICRA24] L. Duan, Y. Chen, T. Scargill, M. Gorlatova, 3D Object Detection with VI-SLAM Point Clouds: The Impact of Object and Environment Characteristics on Model Performance, in Proc. IEEE ICRA, Yokohama, Japan, May 2024. [ Paper PDF ] [ GitHub repo ]

[ISMAR23] T. Scargill, Y. Chen, T. Hu, M. Gorlatova, SiTAR: Situated Trajectory Analysis for In-the-Wild Pose Error Estimation, in Proc. IEEE ISMAR, Sydney, Australia, Oct. 2023. [ Paper PDF ]  [ GitHub repo ]

[INFOCOM23] Y. Chen, H. Inaltekin, M. Gorlatova, AdaptSLAM: Edge-assisted Adaptive SLAM with Resource Constraints via Uncertainty Minimization, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Hoboken, NJ, May 2023. (19.2% acceptance rate). [ Paper PDF ] [ GitHub repo ]

[SenSys22] J. Sun, A. Li, L. Duan, S. Alam, X. Deng, X. Guo, H. Wang, M. Gorlatova, M. Zhang, H. Li, Y. Chen, FedSEA: A Semi-Asynchronous Federated Learning Framework for Extremely Heterogeneous Devices, in Proc. ACM SenSys, Boston, MA, Nov. 2022.

[ISMAR22a] S. Eom, D. Sykes, S. Rahimpour, M. Gorlatova, NeuroLens: Augmented Reality-based Contextual Guidance through Surgical Tool Tracking in Neurosurgery, in Proc. IEEE ISMAR, Oct. 2022 (21% acceptance rate). [ Paper PDF ]

[ISMAR22b] T. Scargill, Y. Chen, N. Marzen, M. Gorlatova, Integrated Design of Augmented Reality Spaces Using Virtual Environments, in Proc. IEEE ISMAR, Oct. 2022 (21% acceptance rate).  [ Paper PDF ] [ GitHub repo ]

[IMWUT22] Y. Zhang, T. Scargill, A. Vaishnav, G. Premsankar, M. Di Francesco, M. Gorlatova, InDepth: Real-time Depth Inpainting for Mobile Augmented Reality, in Proc. ACM IMWUT. [Paper PDF] [ Presentation PDF ] [ GitHub repo ]

[INFOCOM22] Y. Chen, H. Kwon, H. Inaltekin, M. Gorlatova, VR Viewport Pose Model for Quantifying and Exploiting Frame Correlations, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, May 2022. [PDF] [ GitHub repo ]

[IPSN22] G. Lan, T. Scargill, M. Gorlatova, EyeSyn: Psychology-inspired Eye Movement Synthesis for Gaze-based Activity Recognition, in Proc. IEEE/ACM IPSN, May 2022. [PDF] [Accompanying demonstration] [ GitHub repo ] [NSF Discoveries news item about this workHighlighted in the university-wide Duke Daily and in the NSF-wide Discoveries newsletters

[HotChips21] P.J. Adams, B. Batson, A. Bell, J. Bhatt, J.A. Butts, T. Correia, B. Edwards, P. Feldmann, CH Fenton, A. Forte, J. Gagliardo, G. Gill, M. Gorlatova, B. Greskamp, JP Grossman, J. Hunt, B. Jackson, M. Kirk, J. Kuskin, RJ Mader, R. McGowen, A. McLaughlin, M. Moraes, M. Nasr, L. Nociolo, L. O’Donnell, A. Parker, J. Peticolas, T. Quan, TC Schwink, K.-S. Shim, N. Siddique, J. Spengler, M. Theobald, B. Towles, W. Vick, SC Wang, M. Wazlowski, M. Weingarten, JM Williams, D.E. Shaw, The ΛnTON 3 ASIC: A Fire-breathing Monster for Molecular Dynamics Simulations, in Proc. IEEE HotChips, Aug. 2021.

[CoNext20] X. Ran, C. Slocum, Y.-Z. Tsai, K. Apicharttrisorn, M. Gorlatova, J. Chen, Communication Efficient Multi-User Augmented Reality with Spatially Consistent Virtual Objects, in Proc. ACM CoNext, Dec. 2020. [Paper PDF]

[SenSys20] G. Lan, B. Heit, T. Scargill, M. Gorlatova, GazeGraph: Graph-based Few-Shot Cognitive Context Sensing from Human Visual Behavior, in Proc. ACM SenSys, Nov. 2020 (20.6% acceptance rate). [Paper PDF] [ Video of the talk ] [ Blog post ] [ GitHub repo ]

[IPSN20] Z. Liu, G. Lan, J. Stojkovic, Y. Zhang, C. Joe-Wong, M. Gorlatova, CollabAR: Edge-assisted Collaborative Image Recognition for Mobile Augmented Reality, IEEE IPSN, Apr. 2020 (21.7% acceptance rate). [ Paper PDF ] [ GitHub repo ] [ Blog post ]  IEEE/ACM IPSN Best Research Artifact Award.

[ICCAD19] M. Ibrahim, M. Gorlatova, K. Chakrabarty, The Internet of Microfluidic Things: Perspectives on System Architecture and Design Challenges, in Proc. IEEE/ACM ICCAD, Westminster, CO, Nov. 2019. [Paper PDF]

[ICNP19] X. Zhang, S. Chen, Y. Im, M. Gorlatova, S. Ha, C. Joe-Wong, Towards Automated Network Management: Learning the Optimal Protocol Selection for Network Flows, in Proc. IEEE ICNP, Chicago, IL, Oct. 2019 (short paper; 19.3% acceptance rate). [Paper PDF]

[INFOCOM19] P. Naghizadeh, M. Gorlatova, A. Lan, M. Chiang, Hurts to be Too Early: Benefits and Drawbacks of Communication in Multi-agent Learning, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Paris, France, May 2019 (19.7% acceptance rate). [Paper PDF]

[URTC17] S. Ahn, M. Gorlatova, M. Chiang, Leveraging Fog and Cloud Computing for Efficient Computational Offloading, in Proc. IEEE URTC, Cambridge, MA, Nov. 2017. [Paper PDF]

[Sigmetrics14] M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, G. Grebla, M. Cong, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Movers and Shakers: Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Internet of Things, in Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS, Austin, TX, July 2014 (~17% acceptance rate). [Paper PDF]
Selected media coverage: MIT Technology Review Physics ArXiv blog, MIT Technology Review Business Report, New Yorker.

[GlobalSIP13] J. Sarik, K. Kim, M. Gorlatova, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, More than Meets the Eye – a Portable Measurement Unit for Characterizing Light Energy Availability, in Proc. IEEE GlobalSIP Symposium on Energy Harvesting and Green Wireless Communications, Austin, TX, Dec. 2013 (invited paper). [Paper PDF]

[ITiCSE13] M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Project-based Learning within a Large-scale Interdisciplinary Research Effort, Proc. ACM ITiCSE, Canterbury, UK, July 2013. [Paper PDF]

[INFOCOM13mini] M. Gorlatova, R. Margolies, J. Sarik, G. Stanje, J. Zhu, B. Vigraham, M. Szczodrak, L. Carloni, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Prototyping Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs), in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM mini-conference, Turin, Italy, Apr. 2013. [Paper PDF]

[MILCOM11] M. Gorlatova, R. Aiello, S. Mangold, Managing Base Station Location Privacy, in Proc. IEEE MILCOM, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2011. [Paper PDF]

[WiOpt11] M. Gorlatova, A. Bernstein, G. Zussman, Performance Evaluation of Resource Allocation Policies for Energy Harvesting Devices, in Proc. IEEE WiOpt, Princeton, NJ, May 2011. [Paper PDF]

[INFOCOM11] M. Gorlatova, A. Wallwater, G. Zussman, Networking Low-Power Energy Harvesting Devices: Measurements and Algorithms, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2011 (~16% acceptance rate). [Paper PDF] [bib entry]

[MobiCom09] M. Gorlatova, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, D. Rubenstein, X. Wang, G. Zussman, Challenge: Ultra-Low-Power Energy-Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs), in Proc. ACM MobiCom (~10% acceptance rate), Beijing, China, Sept. 2009. [Paper PDF] [bib entry]

[ASC08] D. Lynch, S. Knight, M. Gorlatova, Y. Lacharite, L. Lamont, R. Liscano, P. Mason, Providing Effective Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks without Affecting Bandwidth or Interoperability, in Proc. 2008 Army Science Conference (ASC), Orlando, FL, Dec. 2008.

[MILCOM08] L. Kant, K. Chang, A. McAuley, K. Manousakis, O. Younis, M. Gorlatova, K. Young, C. Graff, NEDAT: A Toolset to Design and Analyze Future Force Networks, in Proc. IEEE MILCOM, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2008. [Paper PDF]

[SecureComm07] M. Gorlatova, M. Kelly, R. Liscano, P. Mason, Enhancing Frequency-based Wormhole Attack Detection with Novel Jitter Waveforms,  in Proc. ICST SecureComm, Nice, France, Sept. 2007.

[MILCOM06] M. Gorlatova, P. Mason, M. Wang, L. Lamont, R. Liscano, Detecting Wormhole Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks through Protocol Breaking and Packet Timing Analysis, in Proc. IEEE MILCOM, Washington, DC, Oct. 2006. [Paper PDF]

Workshop Proceedings

[TrainingXR24] S. Eom, T. Ma, T. Hu, N. Vutakuri, J. Jackson, M. Gorlatova, Did I Do Well? Personalized Assessment of Trainees’ Performance in Augmented Reality-assisted Neurosurgical Training, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on 3D Content Creation for Simulated Training in eXtended Reality (co-located with IEEE VR), Orlando, FL, Mar. 2024. [ Paper PDF ] [ Git repo: segmentation ] [ Git repo: gesture recognition ]

[ImmerCom23] T. Scargill, M. Hadziahmetovic, M. Gorlatova, Invisible Textures: Comparing Machine and Human Perception of Environment Texture for Augmented Reality, in Proc. ACM ImmerCom (co-located with ACM MobiCom), Madrid, Spain, Oct. 2023. [ Paper PDFACM ImmerCom Best Paper Award

[XRHealth23] S. Eom, S. Kim, Y. Jiang, R. Chen, A. Roghanizad, M. Z. Rosenthal, J. Dunn, M. Gorlatova, Investigation of Thermal Perception and Emotional Response in Augmented Reality using Digital Biomarkers: A Pilot Study, in Proc. IEEE XR for Healthcare and Wellbeing Workshop (co-located with IEEE VR’23), Shanghai, China, Mar. 2022. [ Paper PDF ]

[CPHS22] T. Scargill, G. Premsankar, J. Chen, and M. Gorlatova, Here To Stay: A Quantitative Comparison of Virtual Object Stability in Markerless Mobile AR, in Proc. IEEE/ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical-Human System Design and Implementation, May 2022 (co-located with CPS-IoT Week 2022). [ Paper PDF ] [ GitHub repo ]

[VRMetaBuild22] T. Scargill, Y. Chen, S. Eom, J. Dunn, M. Gorlatova, Environmental, User, and Social Context-Aware Augmented Reality for Supporting Personal Development and Change, in Proc. IEEE Workshop for Building the Foundations of the Metaverse, Mar. 2022 (co-located with IEEE VR’22). [Paper PDF]

[XRHealth22] S. Eom, S. Kim, S. Rahimpour, M. Gorlatova, AR-Assisted Surgical Guidance System for Ventriculostomy, in Proc. IEEE XR for Healthcare and Wellbeing Workshop, Mar. 2022 (co-located with IEEE VR’22). [Paper PDF]

[SmartEdge20] M. Glushakov, Y. Zhang, Y. Han, T. Scargill, G. Lan, M. Gorlatova, Edge-based Provisioning of Holographic Content for Contextual and Personalized Augmented Reality, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Smart Edge Computing and Networking (co-located with IEEE PerCom), Austin, TX, Mar. 2020 (invited paper). [Paper PDF] [ More information about the paper ]

[HotNets19] X. Ran, C. Slocum, M. Gorlatova, J. Chen, ShareAR: Communication-efficient Multi-User Mobile Augmented Reality, in Proc. ACM HotNets’19, Princeton, NJ, Nov. 2019 (20.4% acceptance rate). [Paper PDF]

[CPSweekWshop19] S. Ahn, M. Gorlatova, P. Naghizadeh, M. Chiang, Personalized Augmented Reality Via Fog-based Imitation Learning, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Fog Computing and the IoT, Apr. 2019 (co-located with IEEE CPS-IoT Week). [Paper PDF] [Imitation learning demo] [Extended version of the paper]

[InfocomWshop19] V. Balasubramanian, F. Zaman, M. Aloqaily, S. Alrabaee, M. Gorlatova, M. Reisslein, Reinforcing the Edge: Autonomous Energy Management for Mobile Device Clouds, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking, May 2019 (co-located with IEEE INFOCOM).

[ARVRSIGC18] S. Ahn, M. Gorlatova, P. Naghizadeh, M. Chiang, P. Mittal, Adaptive Fog-based Output Security for Augmented Reality, in Proc. ACM SIGCOMM VR/AR Network Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2018. [Paper PDF] [Video of the talk] [Princeton Engineering video]

[IOFC11] M. Gorlatova, R. Aiello, S. Mangold, Managing Location Privacy in Cellular Networks with Femtocell Deployments, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Indoor and Outdoor Femtocells (IOFC’11), Princeton, NJ, May 2011 (co-located with IEEE WiOpt’11). [Paper PDF]

[NPSec05] M. Wang, L. Lamont, P. Mason, M. Gorlatova, An Effective Intrusion Detection Approach for the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) Mobile Ad hoc Networking (MANET) Protocol, in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (IEEE NPSec’05), Boston, MA, Nov. 2005 (co-located with IEEE ICNP’05). [Paper PDF]

Conference Demonstrations

[MobiCom23] T. Hu, T. Scargill, Y. Chen, G. Lan, M. Gorlatova, Demo: DNN-based SLAM Tracking Error Online Estimation, in Proc. ACM MobiCom’23, Madrid, Spain, Oct. 2023. [Demo abstract PDF]

[IPSN23a] S. Eom, R. Janamsetty, M. Hadziahmetovic, M. Pajic, M. Gorlatova, Demo Abstract: Edge-based Augmented Reality Guidance System for Retinal Laser Therapy via Feature Matching, in Proc. ACM/IEEE IPSN’23, San Antonio, TX, May 2023. [Demo abstract PDF]

[IPSN23b] L. Duan, Y. Chen, M. Gorlatova, Demo Abstract: BiGuide: A Bi-Level Data Acquisition Guidance for Object Detection on Mobile Devices, in Proc. ACM/IEEE IPSN’23, San Antonio, TX, May 2023. [Demo abstract PDF]

[INFOCOM23] Y. Chen, H. Inaltekin, J. Sarik, M. Gorlatova, Demo: Demonstrating Resource-Efficient SLAM in Virtual Spacecraft Environments, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM’23, Hoboken, NJ, May 2023. [Demo abstract PDF]

[SenSys22] S. Eom, M. Hadziahmetovic, M. Pajic, M. Gorlatova, Demo: Through an AR Lens: Augmented Reality Magnification through Feature Detection and Matching, in Proc. ACM SenSys’22, Boston, MA, Nov. 2022. [Demo abstract PDF]

[INFOCOM22] Y. Chen, H. Inaltekin, M. Gorlatova, Demo: Pixel Similarity-Based Content Reuse in Edge-Assisted Virtual Reality, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM’22, May 2022. [Demo abstract PDF] [Video of the demo]

[IPSN22] T. Scargill, G. Lan, M. Gorlatova, Demo: Catch My Eye: Gaze-Based Activity Recognition in an Augmented Reality Art Gallery, in Proc. IEEE IPSN’22, May 2022. [Demo abstract PDF] [Video of the demo]

[HotMobile21] T. Scargill, S. Hurli, J. Chen, M. Gorlatova, Demo: Will it Move? Indoor Scene Characterization for Hologram Stability in Mobile AR, in Proc. ACM HotMobile’21, Feb. 2021. [Demo abstract PDF] [Video of the demo]

[SenSys19DemoA] J. Stojkovic, Z. Liu, G. Lan, C. Joe-Wong, M. Gorlatova, Demo: Edge-assisted Collaborative Image Recognition for Augmented Reality, in Proc. ACM SenSys’19, New York City, NY, Nov. 2019. [Demo abstract PDF] [Video of the demo]

[SenSys19DemoB] J. DeChicchis, S. Ahn, M. Gorlatova, Demo: Adaptive Augmented Reality Visual Output Security Using Reinforcement Learning Trained Policies, in Proc. ACM SenSys’19, New York City, NY, Nov. 2019. [Demo abstract PDF] [Video of the demo]

[SenSys17Demo] T. Chang, L. Zheng, M. Gorlatova, C. Gitau, C.-Y. Huang, M. Chiang, Demo: Decomposing Data Analytics in Fog Networks, in Proc. ACM SenSys’17, Delft, Netherlands, Nov. 2017. [Demo abstract PDF] [Video of the demo]

[FWC17Demo] L. Zheng, M. Gorlatova, A. Lan, C. Gitau, M. Chiang, Demo: Decomposing Complex Data Analytics in Fog Computing, IEEE Fog World Congress, Oct. 2017, Santa Clara, CA (invited demonstration).

[NYCMediaLab17Demo] L. Zheng, M. Gorlatova, C. Gitau, M. Chiang, Demo: Decomposing Complex Data Analytics in Fog Computing, NYC Media Lab Summit, Sept. 2017, New York City, NY.

[INFOCOM13Demo] R. Margolies, L. Pena, K. Kim, Y. Kim, M. Wang, M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, J. Zhu, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, and G. Zussman, “Demo: An Adaptive Testbed of Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs) Prototypes”, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM’13, Turin, Italy, Apr. 2013.

[IDTechEx12Demo] J. Sarik, L. Pena, M. Wang, K. Kim, H. Wang, F. Duque, G. Burrow, R. Margolies, M. Gorlatova, B. Vigraham, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, and G. Zussman, “Demo: Energy Harvesting Active Network Tag (EnHANT) Prototypes and Prototype Testbed”, IDTechEx Energy Harvesting and Storage USA’12, Washington, DC, Nov. 2012 (invited demonstration).

[SenSys11Demo] G. Stanje, P. Miller, J. Zhu, A. Smith, O. Winn, R. Margolies, M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, M. Szczodrak, B. Vigraham, L. Carloni, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, and G. Zussman, Demo: Organic Solar Cell-equipped Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tag (EnHANT) Prototypes, in Proc. ACM SenSys’11, Seattle, WA, Nov. 2011.
Winner: Best Student Demo Award. [Demo abstract PDF] [Video of the demo]

[MobiSys11Demo] J. Zhu, G. Stanje, R. Margolies, M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, Z. Noorbhaiwala, P. Miller, M. Szczodrak, B. Vigraham, L. Carloni, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Demo: Prototyping UWB-Enabled EnHANTs,  in Proc. ACM MobiSys’11, Washington, DC, June 2011. [Demo abstract PDF]

[MobiCom10Demo] M. Gorlatova, J. Chen, M. Szczodrak, E. Xu, A. Skolnik, A. Schwartz, Z. Noorbhaiwala,  M. Zapas, L. Carloni, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, D. Rubenstein, G. Zussman, Demo: Prototyping Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags: Phase II MICA Mote-based Devices, ACM MobiCom’10 Demo Session, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2010. [Demo abstract PDF]

[SECON10Demo] M. Gorlatova, T. Sharma, D. Shrestha, E. Xu, J. Chen, A. Skolnik, D. Piao, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, D. Rubenstein, G. Zussman, Demo: Prototyping Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags with MICA2 Motes, in Proc. IEEE SECON’10, Boston, MA, June 2010. [Demo abstract PDF]

Conference Poster Presentations

[ISMAR24] Y. Xiu, T. Scargill, M. Gorlatova, Poster: LOBSTAR: Language Model-based Obstruction Detection for Augmented Reality, In Proc. IEEE ISMAR, Seattle, WA, Oct. 2024. [ Poster abstract PDF ]

[VR24] R. Byrne, Z. Qu, C. Fronk, S. Eom, T. Scargill, M. Gorlatova, Poster: AR Simulations in VR: The Case for Environmental Awareness. In Proc. IEEE VR’24, Orlando, FL, March 2024. [ Poster abstract PDF ]

[UbiComp22] T. Scargill, A. Dabrowski, A. Xu, M. Gorlatova, Poster: IoT-Enabled Environment Illuminance Optimization for Augmented Reality, in Proc. ACM UbiComp’22, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 2022. ACM UbiComp Best Poster Award

[Photovoltaic12Poster] Y. Afsar, J. Sarik, M. Gorlatova, G. Zussman, I. Kymissis, Poster: Evaluating Photovoltaic Performance Indoors, in Proc. 2012 IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (IEEE PVSC’12), Austin, TX, June 2012. [Poster abstract PDF]

[INFOCOM11Poster] S. Schmid, M. Gorlatova, D. Giustiniano, V. Vukadinovic, S. Mangold, Poster: Networking Smart Toys with ToyTalk and ToyBridge, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM’11, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2011. [Poster abstract PDF]


[Patent14] S. Mangold, R. Aiello, M. Gorlatova, System and Method for Managing Location Services in Wireless Networks, Patent # US 2014/032,3150, 2014.


[CRAWDAD14] M. Cong, K. Kim, M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Human Motion for the Internet of Things Kinetic Energy Dataset, Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data At Dartmouth (CRAWDAD), May 2014.

[CRAWDAD11] M. Gorlatova, M. Zapas, E. Xu, M. Bahlke, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Light Energy Measurements CRAWDAD Dataset,  Apr. 2011.

Selected Technical Reports and Proprietary Publications

[ArXiv21b] T. Scargill, J. Chen, M. Gorlatova, Here to Stay: Measuring Hologram Stability in Markerless Smartphone Augmented Reality. arXiv: 2109.14757, Sept. 2021.

[ArXiv21a] S. Wang, S. Hosseinalipour, M. Gorlatova, C. Brinton, M. Chiang, UAV-assisted Online Machine Learning over Multi-Tiered Networks: A Hierarchical Nested Personalized Federated Learning Approach. arXiv:2106.15734, June 2021.

[ArXiv18] M. Gorlatova, H. Inaltekin, M. Chiang, Characterizing Task Completion Latencies in Fog Computing, arXiv:1811.02638, Nov. 2018.

[ArXiv17] H. Inaltekin, M. Gorlatova, M. Chiang, Virtualized Control over Fog: Interplay between Reliability and Latency, arXiv:1712.00100, Nov. 2017.

[ArXiv14] R. Margolies, M. Gorlatova, J. Sarik, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Project-Based Learning within a Large-Scale Interdisciplinary Research Effort, arXiv: 1410.6935, Oct. 2014.

[Arxiv13] M.Gorlatova, J. Sarik, M. Cong, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, “Movers and Shakers: Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Internet of Things”, arXiv:1307.0044, July 2013. [Media coverage]

[CU-EE12] M. Gorlatova, R. Margolies, J. Sarik, G. Stanje, J. Zhu, B. Vigraham, M. Szczodrak, L. Carloni, P. Kinget, I. Kymissis, G. Zussman, Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags: Prototyping and Experimentation, Columbia University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report, July 2012.

[CU-EE10] M. Gorlatova, A. Wallwater, G. Zussman, Networking Rechargeable Low-Power Devices: Measurements and Algorithms, Columbia University Department of Electrical Engineering: Technical Report, Dec. 2010.

Telcordia Technologies: 3 technical reports.

Defense R&D Canada: 6 technical reports, 1 contractor report.

Industry Whitepapers

[OFC17] H. Moustafa, M. Gorlatova, C. Byers, E. Schooler, K. Walcott, J. Acharya, A. Mosenia, B. Murthy, C. Vasters, S. Kambhatla, OpenFog Consortium Fog Use Case Scenarios: Autonomous Driving, Oct. 2017.


[PhD] M. Gorlatova, Columbia University Electrical Engineering Department Ph.D. Thesis, “Energy Harvesting Networked Nodes: Measurements, Algorithms, and Prototyping”, 2013. Jury Award for Outstanding Achievement in Communications. [Award info] [Thesis PDF]

[MSc] M. Gorlatova, University of Ottawa, Electrical Engineering Department M.Sc. Thesis, Wormhole Attack Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, 2006. [Thesis PDF]

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